Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023

The Scottish Apprenticeship week 2023 visit was arranged through SECTT, Gordon Penman the SECTT Training Officer met with Clare Adamson MSP for Motherwell and Wishaw at CS Electrical Ltd.

Craig Stewart, the owner of CS Electrical Ltd, started the business in 2016 and has been growing year on year covering Domestic, Industrial and Commercial sectors.

Craig tied in with myself as I started this role as Training Officer for Lanarkshire (early 2020) to ask about how he can take on an apprentice and to also support someone in North Lanarkshire. At the time Ryan Brown now in stage 3 – 4th year was made redundant in his 1st year as an apprentice and was part of a Scottish news item on TV as Ryan and his partner had just had a new born baby.

I brought this to Craig’s attention at the time, he took the chance on Ryan and offered him a start. Craig was grateful for the SDS ‘Adopt an Apprentice’ grant which helped him to support Ryan in his first few months with him.

Ryan has gained a lot of good experience and stated “I have learned so much since joining CS Electrical as we cover a wide range of the electrical industry, I am grateful that Craig took a chance on me”.

Craig has since started a new 1st year apprentice, Cole Saunders, who is currently going into his 3rd stage 1 block at New College Lanarkshire – Motherwell Campus. He is also hopeful to continue with another new apprentice for the 2023/24 intake by taking on another local boy or girl in North Lanarkshire.


Clare Adamson – MSP Motherwell and Wishaw
Loraine Duncan – Constituency Office (not in the photo)
Jacqueline McCutcheon Constituency Office Intern (not in the photo)
Craig Stewart – Owner CS Electrical Ltd
Ryan Brown – Stage 3 / 4th Year Apprentice
Gordon Penman – SECTT Training Officer – Lanarkshire
Emma Slavin – Skills Development Scotland

Date Published

January 31, 2024


🎅Christmas Opening Hours🎅

🎄SECTT would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when the times comes! SECTT will be closing on Tuesday 24th December...